Word is out that Ron Kardashian ( Life Coach, Fitness Expert, and Strategic Business Coach to CEO's all over the world) has been approached by several different Hollywood Production companies to launch a new hit series to be aired by the networks. Which network or production company acquires this “Goldmine” of a launch is yet to be determined.
The show will not be your typical Reality TV show, but more of a benefit to the community to help the people the economy has effected, our wonderful cities and entire nation. Ron mentioned,.. “its about people, nothing more, nothing less.”
Show Buzz is Ron Kardashian is going to be revealing secrets to living a successful life as revealed in his up and coming book- “The 30 Second Solution” ( Health Communications, Inc/HCI BOOKS), of which will be released Fall of 2011.
Ron said, ..." were all very excited about the success, we are very proud of our families success, we have always been a very blessed family.... and to whom much is given, much is required.....Our soul desire to help others and make the world a better place- It’s all for Loves greatest purpose."
He will be expounding on his secrets to success in a northern California event located in Mt. View on Dec. 17th. ( Full Force Fitness Studios) to a group of very talented athletes who have been raised in the Inner city. “Our goal is to breath life into there minds and heart.- One child is worth is all…Kardashian mentioned.
We are all very excited to see what the Kardashian’s will do next......
For other appearances please contact: publicity@kardashian.tv
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